Picking up the Pen

I’m writing a lot at the moment, obviously. I’m finding that it really helps me untangle things in my head and make more sense of them. I know myself fairly well today, but there is always more to learn and sometimes, just writing something down, gives me a completely different perspective on it.


The Gift and the Curse of Overthinking I’m a bit of a perfectionist. In recent years I’ve developed somewhat of a more balanced attitude towards most things I do, however if we are using a hypothetical scale where 1 is care-free and 10 is full on nut job, I’m still a solid 8.5.

Get Some Nuts!

Unfortunately I’m not endorsed by Snickers (love a Snickers), nor have I managed to bag an interview with Mr. T. But I am here to talk about why I think nuts are an important food that us humans should be consuming. Side note: I am well aware there are people out there who have life-threateningContinue reading “Get Some Nuts!”

Know Thy Self

The Art of Spending Time on Your Own “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with” Jim Rohn, Motivational Speaker I’ve heard this statement said many times by many different people. Some famous, some people I actually know or have met over the course of my life so far.Continue reading “Know Thy Self”

In The Zone

A few weeks ago I began reading ‘Finding Ultra’ by Rich Roll. It’s amazing how the right books always seem to come to me at the right time. I had never heard of Rich Roll before however somebody I know shared a meme/quote of his on Facebook which was along the lines of not becomingContinue reading “In The Zone”

Ben Nevis: Part 2

I realised we were potentially approaching our chosen route backwards when about 2 and-a-half hours in we began to see a flurry of people towards the other end of the east side of the mountain which we were hiking around. You see we (or Boc) presumed that the zigzag on the map was the ridgeContinue reading “Ben Nevis: Part 2”

Ben Nevis: Part 1

In 2017, probably around March/April time I had a chat with a friend of mine over Facebook messenger. This friend was Boc. Boc isn’t his real name, but it’s what I call him, and as he despises social media and unwarranted attention I shall call him that, so those that know, know, and those thatContinue reading “Ben Nevis: Part 1”

Be Yourself

When you were a child, think of all of the things you wanted to be or do… are you doing them? Have you done any of them? Do you put things in motion for you to achieve these things, or have they been forgotten about as “life” takes over?